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1.企业开展研发活动中实际发生的研发费用,未形成无形资产计入当期损益的,在按规定据实扣除的基础上,自2023年1月1日起,再按照实际发生额的100%在税前加计扣除;形成无形资产的,自2023年1月1日起,按照无形资产成本的200%在税前摊销。? 2.关于企业享受研发费用加计扣除政策的其他政策口径和管理要求,您可以查看《财政部 国家税务总局 科技部关于完善研究开发费用税前加计扣除政策的通知》(财税〔2015〕119号)、《财政部 税务总局 科技部关于企业委托境外研究开发费用税前加计扣除有关政策问题的通知》(财税〔2018〕64号)了解详细内容。

About Us

Since 1996, our company has been focusing on domain name registration, web hosting, server hosting, website construction, e-commerce and other Internet services, and constantly practicing the concept of "providing enterprise-level solutions and providing personalized service support". As a Dell Authorized Solution Provider, we also provide hardware product solutions associated with the company's services.

Contact Us

Address: No. 2, Jingwu Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Phone: 0086-371-63520088 


Website: 800188.com

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.