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营业费用(销售费用)与营业成本 (销售成本)的区别

营业费用,也称为销售费用,是指企业在销售产品和提供劳务等日常经营过程中发生的各项费用以及专设销售机构的各项经费。 比如说,运输费、装卸费、包装费、保险费、广告费、展览费、租赁费(不包括融资租赁费),以及为销售本公司商品而专设销售机构的职工工资、福利费、办公费、差旅费、折旧费、修理费、物料消耗、低值易耗品的摊销等,均属于营业费用。


About Us

Since 1996, our company has been focusing on domain name registration, web hosting, server hosting, website construction, e-commerce and other Internet services, and constantly practicing the concept of "providing enterprise-level solutions and providing personalized service support". As a Dell Authorized Solution Provider, we also provide hardware product solutions associated with the company's services.

Contact Us

Address: No. 2, Jingwu Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Phone: 0086-371-63520088 


Website: 800188.com

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.