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Windows Server Backup(2016) 备份

1. 使用 Windows Server Backup 备份 

  如果服务器没有启用 Windows Server Backup,需要打开服务器管理器,如下图


点击添加角色和功能,根据向导,添加 Windows Server Backup 功能。

添加完成后可通过 控制面板\系统和安全\管理工具 找到 Windows Server Backup,如下图









选择备份目标,磁盘 卷 文件夹



2. 删除windows server backup副本

  当我们进行备份设置时,时间久后备份副本将会占用大量空间,就需要进行旧的副本的删除,可是在 Windows Server Backup 里面并没有删除功能。我们需要使用一个 diskshadow 的命令行程序删除旧的副本。

使用管理员打开cmd,输入 diskshadow 即可进入程序。


 输入? 查看可用的命令



我们需要查找到Id, 使用 list shadows all 可以列出所有的副本,其中包含ID




About Us

Since 1996, our company has been focusing on domain name registration, web hosting, server hosting, website construction, e-commerce and other Internet services, and constantly practicing the concept of "providing enterprise-level solutions and providing personalized service support". As a Dell Authorized Solution Provider, we also provide hardware product solutions associated with the company's services.

Contact Us

Address: No. 2, Jingwu Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Phone: 0086-371-63520088 


Website: 800188.com

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.